Bacterial taxon 262316   Locus MAP_3146c   Protein AAS05694.1


Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis K10

Length 547 aa, Gene pgmA, UniProt Q73V68

Host Tissue    Tissue Ontology Time Post Infection Transposon Insertion Site Raw Fitness Score    p-Value    Fitness z-Score Precise fitness z-Score Reference  
Mouse (Mus musculus C57BL/6)spleen BTO:00012811 month3,501,022 -5.810.011●●●○○ -2.23-2.226927044839716324885784
Mouse (Mus musculus C57BL/6)spleen BTO:00012811 month3,500,767 -3.610.042●●○○○ -1.51-1.507278750256214224885784
Mouse (Mus musculus C57BL/6)spleen BTO:00012811 month3,501,328 7.390.015○○○○○ 2.12.09699824586217824885784
Mouse (Mus musculus C57BL/6)spleen BTO:00012811 month3,502,249 -0.620.11●○○○○ -0.53-0.525342484908871824885784
Mouse (Mus musculus C57BL/6)spleen BTO:00012811 month3,501,322 -0.260.12●○○○○ -0.41-0.408123974874735724885784
Mouse (Mus musculus C57BL/6)spleen BTO:00012811 month3,501,977 4.10.078○○○○○ 1.021.020314572948996924885784
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