Bacterial taxon 909946
Locus STM474_4189
Protein WP_001062055.1
coproporphyrinogen III oxidase family protein
Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium ST4 74
Length 413 aa, Gene n/a, UniProt E8XJJ3
>WP_001062055.1|Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium ST4 74|coproporphyrinogen III oxidase family protein
Host |
Tissue |
Tissue Ontology |
Time Post Infection |
Transposon Insertion Site |
Raw Fitness Score |
p-Value |
Fitness z-Score |
Precise fitness z-Score |
Reference |
Cow (Bos taurus) | ileal mucosa | BTO:0000619 | 4 days | 4,243,104 | -4.67 | 2.9e-17 | ●●●○○ -2.25 | -2.24887435942775 | 23637626 |
Pig (Sus scrofa) | colonic mucosa | BTO:0000271 | 3 days | 4,243,104 | -2.72 | 0.044 | ●●○○○ -1.23 | -1.23307981910613 | 23637626 |
Cow (Bos taurus) | ileal mucosa | BTO:0000619 | 4 days | 4,242,363 | -2.04 | 4.7e-5 | ●○○○○ -0.88 | -0.881879740045844 | 23637626 |
Cow (Bos taurus) | ileal mucosa | BTO:0000619 | 4 days | 4,243,035 | -1.41 | 0.026 | ●○○○○ -0.56 | -0.556592447257817 | 23637626 |
Chicken (Gallus gallus) | cecum | BTO:0000166 | 4 days | 4,243,104 | -1.59 | 0.26 | ●○○○○ -0.65 | -0.647000906457046 | 23637626 |
Pig (Sus scrofa) | colonic mucosa | BTO:0000271 | 3 days | 4,242,603 | -1.41 | 0.16 | ●○○○○ -0.56 | -0.555130593451609 | 23637626 |
Pig (Sus scrofa) | colonic mucosa | BTO:0000271 | 3 days | 4,243,035 | -1.17 | 0.28 | ●○○○○ -0.43 | -0.432582039495036 | 23637626 |
Pig (Sus scrofa) | colonic mucosa | BTO:0000271 | 3 days | 4,242,363 | -1.09 | 0.28 | ●○○○○ -0.39 | -0.387371107879271 | 23637626 |
Chicken (Gallus gallus) | cecum | BTO:0000166 | 4 days | 4,243,046 | -0.91 | 0.67 | ●○○○○ -0.29 | -0.294340346139368 | 23637626 |
Chicken (Gallus gallus) | cecum | BTO:0000166 | 4 days | 4,242,363 | -0.75 | 0.75 | ●○○○○ -0.21 | -0.21137880345424 | 23637626 |
Cow (Bos taurus) | ileal mucosa | BTO:0000619 | 4 days | 4,242,603 | -0.46 | 0.56 | ●○○○○ -0.06 | -0.0632918211100443 | 23637626 |
Chicken (Gallus gallus) | cecum | BTO:0000166 | 4 days | 4,242,603 | -0.39 | 0.93 | ●○○○○ -0.02 | -0.0229619114328565 | 23637626 |
Chicken (Gallus gallus) | cecum | BTO:0000166 | 4 days | 4,243,035 | -0.31 | 0.94 | ○○○○○ 0.02 | 0.0176189970711712 | 23637626 |
Pig (Sus scrofa) | colonic mucosa | BTO:0000271 | 3 days | 4,243,046 | 0.01 | 1 | ○○○○○ 0.18 | 0.182993365158059 | 23637626 |
Cow (Bos taurus) | ileal mucosa | BTO:0000619 | 4 days | 4,243,046 | 0.09 | 0.9 | ○○○○○ 0.22 | 0.22353182747325 | 23637626 |
Pig (Sus scrofa) | colonic mucosa | BTO:0000271 | 3 days | 4,242,427 | 0.56 | 0.86 | ○○○○○ 0.47 | 0.469040068543095 | 23637626 |
Chicken (Gallus gallus) | cecum | BTO:0000166 | 4 days | 4,242,427 | 1.32 | 0.55 | ○○○○○ 0.86 | 0.863217009094538 | 23637626 |
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