Bacterial taxon 909946   Locus STM474_4506   Protein WP_010989096.1

hypothetical protein

Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium ST4 74

Length 89 aa, Gene n/a, UniProt E8X9W2

Host Tissue    Tissue Ontology Time Post Infection Transposon Insertion Site Raw Fitness Score    p-Value    Fitness z-Score Precise fitness z-Score Reference  
Cow (Bos taurus)ileal mucosa BTO:00006194 days4,580,876 -10.414.8e-50●●●●● -5.23-5.2281945135369623637626
Pig (Sus scrofa)colonic mucosa BTO:00002713 days4,580,876 -8.131.4e-10●●●●● -4.05-4.0467779958688123637626
Chicken (Gallus gallus)cecum BTO:00001664 days4,580,876 -4.343.9e-5●●●○○ -2.08-2.0778308578988623637626
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